VG-21 Squadron


Varga / Shinn VG-21 Squadron [Newsletter #6]

7845 Soda Bay Road Kelseyville, CA 95451 June 4, 1991

Time flies and I apologize for the delay in getting this to you. I wish I could use the excuse that we've been too busy flying the Varga, but the weather and a broken engine mount have kept up on the ground a lot of the time. I'm happy to report that 62V in all repaired, sporting a fresh annual, and back in the air.

Our April l3th fly-in to Columbia was well attended. We were delighted that Joe and Marj Conner joined us. Alas, Janis Wild was in Fullerton that weekend flying a mock dog fight. Jan, we're looking forward to hearing all about it. Carl Sigg called last Friday and advised that Janis and her mother were planning to fly her Varga to Indianapolis last week. Hope you take a lot of photos to share with us, Jan.

For our May 4th get-together at Woodland Watts, I made luncheon reservations in the dining room and made arrangements to use the pilots' lounge. Rolf was the only one who showed up. Some had weather (fog) problems, some had other commitments, and I suspect, some simply forgot. Oh well, maybe we can reschedule that destination again at a later date.


IMPORTANT NOTE: The date of our Annual Meeting in Carmel valley has been changed. The new date is June 29. Please don't forget - June 29, Carmel Valley, with Carl Sigg as host. Carl plans to get something in the mail to your prior to that date.

MERCED JUNE 7 RND 8 (Friday and Saturday). In the pant there have been several Vargas from Southern California show up at Merced (no air show this year). We had proposed a Varga group flight from Tracy to Merced. The plan is to lift off from Tracy promptly at 9:00 am on Saturday, June 8, so please be on time. Tracy is the Conner's home field so they are the Varga contact on this outing. Joe & Marj's phone number is: 209-836-2213.

UKIAH JUNE 16 (Sunday and Fathers' Day). Ukiah is having a big air show. On this outing, my husband, Lee, will lead our group Varga/Shinn flight on the PIX minute flight from Lampson Field over the hill to Ukiah. In order to arrange for front row parking, we must know as soon as possible if you are going to Ukiah. Call us anytime: 707-279-0259. We would really like to see a good turn-out for this event. The take-off time from Lampson will be 9:00 a.m. sharp. Lampson has 80 octane, Ukiah does not.

CARMEL VALLEY JUNE 29 (Saturday). See first paragraph under 'Coming Events' above.

ARLINGTON, WA JULY 10-14. EAA Convention/Fly-In/Air Show. We have reservations at the Smokey Point Motor Inn for July 11-12, planning an early morning departure from Lampson on the 1lth. So far, only two other aircraft are joining us. Why don't you come along - the more the merrier!

In future Newsletters, we will publish articles on: rigging for hands-off flight, dealing with high oil temperature, servicing the landing gears, fuel gauge accuracy, vapor-lock problems, preventive maintenance, an note listing, discussion on engine overhaul/conversion and checking the fuel vent system. If you have a problem with your Varga/Shinn, now is the time to let it be known - maybe we have a fix. With this Newsletter, we are starting a listing of tools/ equipment/parts our members have for our aircraft.


1. Cockpit fuel gauge tester - Lee 2. Engine mount construction fixture - Bolt 3. Aircraft support (saw horses) fixtures


1. Engine exhaust muffler springs - Rolf 2. Fuel tank sending units - Lee

(Note: My son, Jay, is in Parts Sales at Flightcraft at Hayward and has proven to be very helpful in locating hard-to-find parts for my Varga. His 800 numbers are 800-542-3324 or 800-457-7889. Identify yourself as a member of our group, and he says he will "pull out all the stops" to be of help.)

About three weeks ago, I called Kalispell, Montana. and spoke with Jeri Smith of Mountain Air (have I spelled that correctly?). I told Jeri that some of us planned to fly to Arlington for the EAA convention and indicated our hope that they were planning to attend and perhaps we could meet. Jeri advised that they had no plans to do so, which is a big disappointment! Jeri said that, although they have built two airplanes, due to "liability and some other problems", the project has been put on the back burner. I'm mailing a copy of this Newsletter to Jeri to indicate, in writing, our support, interest, and sincere hopes that they will soon be able to start building a new generation of our airplanes.

At our Annual Meeting on June 29, I would like to discuss the possibility of someone else doing what I've been doing - scheduling fly-in's and putting out Newsletters. Fresh ideas and new perspectives are always good for any group. If you can't attend the June 29 meeting to please mail your ideas/input to me or Carl Sigg as soon as possible.

Again, please accept my apologies for not getting this put together and to you sooner.

Pat Beery